With the continuous advancement of nanofabrication techniques, development of novel materials, and discovery of useful manipulation mechanisms in high-performance applications, especially photodetectors, the morphology of junction devices and the way junction devices are used are fundamentally revolutionized. Simultaneously, new types of photodetectors that do not rely on any junction, providing a high signal-to-noise ratio and multidimensional modulation, have also emerged. This review outlines a unique category of material systems supporting novel junction devices for high-performance detection, namely, the van der Waals materials, and systematically discusses new trends in the development of various types of devices beyond junctions. This field is far from mature and there are numerous methods to measure and evaluate photodetectors. Therefore, it is also aimed to provide a solution from the perspective of applications in this review. Finally, based on the insight into the unique properties of the material systems and the underlying microscopic mechanisms, emerging trends in junction devices are discussed, a new morphology of photodetectors is proposed, and some potential innovative directions in the subject area are suggested.